In some instances, the airborne status duration is longer than the move block (e.g.Most beneficial movement modifiers do not prevent the activation of abilities, allowing Tristana to still activate abilities during Rocket Jump but not during Rocket Grab. This rule also extends to all beneficial movement modifiers, such as dashes and blinks, which is why Rocket Grab and Rocket Jump will overrule each other depending on their order of activation. As a general rule, the most recent move block will overrule any previous move blocks, which is how Alistar's Pulverize and Headbutt combo functions. To expand upon the countering of airborne, consider that the effect is made up of two components: a movement modifier (called a "move block" by Riot, referring to a chunk of code) and the airborne status itself (which is responsible for disabling the unit's actions). Cleansing effects, with the exceptions of Cleanse, Mikael's Blessing, and Quicksilver, remove the airborne status effect. The forced movement that is applied alongside airborne effects cannot be removed by cleanses, which innately disables attacking and moving and can be overridden by dashing or blinking. Resisted by crowd control immunity, displacement immunity, and Dr. The duration of airborne and its forced movement execution time is unaffected by Tenacity. The accompanying displacement overrides all other previous displacements, including dashes and other airborne effects. Interrupts attack windups (excluding uncancellable windups), and all channeled and charged abilities. The following mobility spells are interrupted / prevented by immobilizations, ground, polymorph and/or silence:ĮditA unit that is knocked airborne is made so alongside undergoing a forced displacement in a specified direction, to a specific point, or for a set duration at its current location, during which it is also unable to control its movement, declare attacks, cast abilities, activate items or use the summoner spells Flash, Teleport, Hexflash, and Mark / Dash. Taunt is the only crowd control that could theoretically break stealth (due to it being interrupted by declaring an attack).Crowd control applications trigger a stack for Electrocute and Phase Rush.Anivia's Glacial Storm and Samira's Inferno Trigger are special cased to be deactivated by all forms of crowd control that interrupt all channels.Spell shield blocks all components of an ability, including crowd control, unless the ability itself cannot be blocked.All crowd control effects that inhibit casting will also disable abilities that can be recast, unless otherwise stated by the ability.In terms of crowd control, basic attacks with uncancellable windups are interrupted by polymorph only. All crowd control effects that inhibit attacking also interrupt attack windups.Forced action effects override each other when they're applied on the same target an ongoing forced action will end prematurely when another one is applied.Berserk, Charm, Flee, and Taunt all individually apply the same debuff even from different ability sources.Forced action crowd control effects (excluding Berserk) end prematurely if the Source dies.It ends prematurely when the affected unit is immobilized.

Removal refers to cleansing effects that can remove the crowd control debuff.Abilities refers to a champion's castable spells (by default, ,, and ).Attacking refers to a champion's basic attacks (by default right-click).Ground does not impede basic movement, but existing sources will also apply a slow.Ezreal's Arcane Shift or Shen's Shadow Dash). Movement includes basic movement and mobility abilities (i.e.